Monday 18 May 2009

Scalloped Salmon Or Trout

Scalloped Salmon Or Trout | scallop recipe

1/2 lb cold cooked salmon or trout (sea o; r river trout)
1/2 lb florentine fennel (trimmed weight)
1/2 lb steaky bacon
2 oz butter
1 1/2 oz flour
1/2 pint whole milk
1/4 pint fish stock
1 lemon juice
1 dijon mustard
1 toasted or fried breadcrumbs
Serves 8 as an appetizer, or 3-4 as a main course.
Trim the fennel in the usual way, scraping away fibrous threads with a
potato peeler, or remove and discard the outer layers if they are
tired-looking or tough. Chop the flesh into small chunks and toss in 1/2
oz melted butter. Half cover the pan and leave to cook gently for 10
minutes just shaking the pan occasionally. Add the bacon, cut into
snippets, increase heat and cook, stirring frequently, for several minutes
until the bacon is cooked and the fennel is steaked with gold. Season
witha good squeeze of lemon and plenty of pepper, and set aside to cool
before mixing with the fish, which should be broken into large chunks.
Make a sauce with 1-1/2 oz each butter and flour, the milk and the
stock, and simmer gently, half covered, for about 10 minutes. Away from
the heat,season with scant 1 teaspoon mustard, a little salt and plenty of
pepper. Gently fold in the fish mixture and divide between 8 small scallop
shells or cocottes or put it all into one large gratin dish. Cover with
foil and reheat in the oven straight away, or if preparing ahead, set
aside in a cool place until close to serving time. If the mixture is
cold when it goes into the oven, it will probably need 25 minutes or so
at 425 F (220 C)gas mark 7 to become thoroughly heated through. Stand the
dish(es) on a pre-heated baking sheet to help speed things up. When
thoroughly hot, remove the foil and sprinkle the fish mixture
generously with freshly toasted or fried breadcrumbs immediately
before serving.


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